结合工程实践 ,对腻子在装饰工程施工中的作用及应用进行了总结 ,从腻子的作用、性能和种类等方面进行了阐述 ,说明了建筑涂装效果的好坏 ,主要取决于腻子与建筑涂料的组合 ,指出合理组合的前提是腻子和涂料的质量必须达到相应的标准。
Combined with author's experience, the effect and application of paint filler in ornament engineering is summarized. Then, the author does some discussion mainly from the effect and performance of paint filler, the class of paint filler and so on. The paper points out that whether the paint filler rationally combine with architecture paint has direct relation on the effect of architecture paint. And the paper also highlights that the paint filler and architecture paint must reach corresponding standard is the premises of rational combination. Finally the effect of paint fillers in construction is given.
Shanxi Architecture