在高温 (火灾 )条件下钢结构材料力学性能试验研究的基础上 ,建立高温下钢材的屈服强度 ,极限强度、弹性模量和极限应变等力学性能随温度变化的力学模型 ,利用广义clough模型 ,对平面钢框架进行分析 ,建立高温 (火灾 )条件下框架梁、柱杆件的单元刚度方程。
Set up mechanical mode of mechanical property which can be changed with the change of the temperature such as yield strength,ultimate strength,modulus of elasticity and limiting strain on the basis of testing of mechanical property of steel structure material in high temperature and fire,analyze the horizontal steel frame by using generalized Clough mode,institute element stiffness equation of frame girder,post member in high temperature and fire.
Journal of Fujian College of Architecture & C.E.