贵州喀斯特传统民居是在喀斯特环境、社会经济、历史文化影响下 ,各民族建筑文化相互交融 ,在明清的发展渐趋稳定的表现为干栏式建筑的民居 ,原为仡佬族、侗族、水族、布依族的住屋形式 ,后为土家族、苗族仿用 ,具有美学代表性的是吊脚楼和石板房。贵州喀斯特传统民居以其就地取材的便利和实用功能至今仍大量使用。充分利用传统民居的实用功能和美学价值 ,结合景区开发能促进景区、社区和自然的统一 。
Under the impact of karst environment, society-economy, and history-culture, the architectural culture of every nation in Guizhou mingled each other, and developed gradually during the Ming and Qing Dyansties. Now Guizhou's traditional residence is represented by balusters and slate house, which was ever the former house style of the Gelao, Dong, Shui, Buyi people later was copied by the Miao and Tujia people . The most representative in esthetics is the pole-supported house or slate house .Traditional residence in Guizhou's karst areas is used a lot nowadays for its available material and practical function. To take full advantage of this residence is to keep the unification of site, community, and nature, and to maintain the attractiveness of the destination.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences