本文集中论述了黄逸宾山水画清、逸、神、拙的风格以及画如其人、艺贵创新的艺术特色 ;黄老历任浙江省文化局长、省文联副主席、杭州大学党委书记等职 ,其山水画别具一格 ,在浙江乃至全国颇有名声。黄逸宾的山水画把中国画的笔墨情趣发展到极致 ,把中国传统的文人画推向一个新的高峰。文章作者对中国画传统的继承和创新充满了希望 。
This paper centers on the pure,elegant,vivid and bold style and innovatory artistic characteristics of Huang Yi-bin landscape paintings.Huang's paintings have not only carried Chinese paintings to an extreme,but also pushed the traditional scholar's paintings to a new peak.The author feels hopeful about the inheritance and innovations of Chinese painting's tradition,pointing out the prospect for the development of Chinese paintings.
Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University