在对主要城市轨道交通方式作了简单比较分析的基础上 ,考虑到长沙市的实际情况和具体条件 ,提出了首先在市区内建立形式灵活的轻轨交通系统 ,然后逐步向郊区延伸的初步设想方案。同时 ,就快速轨道交通修建过程中的城市规划、资金筹集。
According to the actual circumstance and concrete term of Changsha City and on the base of the simple analysis and comparison among main urban railway track transportation modes,a tentative plan is put forward to establish the system of light rail transportation in the downtown first ,and then gradually extend into suburban area.At the same time,some suggestions are presented,which relate to those problems such as the city planning,the funds gathering,the policy drawing etc.