提出了一种半解析半数值方法 ,该方法可用于计算埋置于多层土中单桩的荷载位移非线性分析 ,在本文中 ,采用了两种理论模型来构造单桩的传递函数 ,第一种模型为双曲线模型 ,用于计算桩土界面处的剪应力与其相对位移的非线性关系 ,第二种模型为Randolph所提出的理论解 ,用于确定桩周土中的剪应力和位移场 .对现场试验结果和有限元分析结果进行了比较后说明 ,按本文所建议的方法所得的三种计算结果 (荷载位移曲线 ,荷载沿深度的荷载分布曲线 ,桩端土的荷载发挥曲线 )与实测值之间能达到相当满意的精度 ,证明了本文所提方法的可靠性和准确性 .此外 ,根据本文所提的构造传递函数的方法 ,考虑桩对桩 ,桩对土 ,承台对桩的相互影响 ,可以构造出考虑桩 土 台共同作用的传递函数 ,近而可以计算分析桩 土 台共同作用 .
A semi analytical method is presented to determine the non linear load displacement behavior of single piles embedded in multi layered soils. In this analytical approach, two theoretical models are adopted. The first model uses a hyperbolic relationship to describe the non linear relationship between the shaft shear stress and localized shear displacement along the pile soil interface. The second model is based on the analytical solution presented by Randolph and Wroth to determine the shear stress and displacement fields in soils surrounding the pile shaft. The proposed one is evaluated by comparing it with the results of field pile load tests and finite element analyses.
Journal of Yantai University(Natural Science and Engineering Edition)