动物实验发现睾酮能改善干眼病动物模型干眼症状 ,促进泪腺分泌。但作用机理不明 ,本研究探讨泪腺细胞中是否存在睾酮受体。雌雄各 8只大鼠的泪腺分别制成石蜡切片和超薄切片 ,睾酮分别采用 ABC法及免疫金标记 ,通过真空负压 ABC法光镜观察及免疫金探针超微结构定位进行细胞睾酮受体检查。结果 :光镜下泪腺导管上皮细胞的胞浆及胞核中出现免疫染色阳性 ,泪腺上皮细胞则很少见到 ;电镜下泪腺细胞胞浆及核中可见金颗粒。对照组则染色阴性。结论泪腺细胞存在着睾酮受体 。
With the hypothesis of that testosterone receptors( TR) may be present in the acinar cells and duct cells,our study was to elucidate the mechanism of testosterone action on lacrimal gland.Eight male and eight female adult rat exorbital lacrimal glands were ablated for immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical assay.The sections forlocalization of TR of lacrimal gland were observed under light microscope by using ABC methods with vacuum incubation,and the ultrathin sections for ultralstructural localization of TR were observed under the TEM by using a postembedding immunoglobulin G- gold with microwave stimulation technique.As a control,the other sections were treated with the same procedure with a normal rabbitserum in stead of the special antibodies.The results indicate thatthe ductcells were positive under the light microscope,and the positive acinar cells were rarely to be observed at the same condition.Under the TEM,howeverthe positive acinar cells could be observed in cytoplasm and nucleus. The control groups were negative.Our findings suggest the mechanism of testosterone control the ocular secretion may be explained with classical endocrine theories.
Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry