应用计算机图形技术在大鼠脑的连续冠状切片 Nissl染色的基础上通过 Onyx2超级图形工作站对大鼠脑的纹状体进行了三维重建。结果提示 :大鼠纹状体由尾壳核、苍白球和边缘区三部分组成 ,其中边缘区位于尾壳核和苍白球之间 ,被二者完全包绕 ;尾壳核呈近似的内凹半球形 ,嘴尾径最大为 6 .2 mm;背腹径最大为 4.9m m;宽度 (冠状平面上的内外径 )为 3.5 mm。从嘴侧到尾侧随着脑平面的增宽 ,尾壳核逐渐向外侧 (即靠近外轮廓的方向 )移位。苍白球呈块形 ,嘴尾径最大为 4.4mm,背腹径最大为 2 .6 mm,宽度 (冠状平面上的内外径 )最大为 1.5 mm。位于尾壳核的内侧 ,除内侧外其它三个方向均被尾壳核包绕。边缘区呈现一个片状扇形结构 ,嘴侧背腹径大 ,最大为 2 .2 mm,宽约 0 .17mm;尾侧背腹径小 ,为 0 .8mm,宽约 0 .13mm。同尾壳核和苍白球一样 ,从嘴侧到尾侧随着脑平面的增宽边缘区亦逐渐向外侧 (即靠近外轮廓的方向 )移位 ,其移位的幅度亦明显大于脑平面增宽的幅度 ;整个边缘区从嘴侧到尾侧呈均匀变化 ,其片状逐渐变宽 ,长度 (背腹径 )逐渐变小 ,从而形成一个盘状结构。
The three dimensional organization of the rat striatum was studied with Nissl staining and computer 3D reconstruction technique, after examining serial coronal sections of the adult rat brain The results showed that the marginal division (MrD) was located between the caudate putamen (CPu) and the globus pallidus (GP) The shape of the caudate putamen looked like a thick shell, its longest rostral caudate axis was 6 2 mm, longest dorsal ventral axis was 4 9 mm, and its widest axis (the diameter at lateral medial coronal brain section) was 3 5 mm The caudate putamen moved progressively toward external part (close to out contour) from rostral section to caudal one Globus pallidus was located medially on the caudate putamen and covered by the caudate putamen The globus pallidus was potato shaped, its longest rostral caudate axis was 4 4 mm, longest dorsal ventral aixs was 2 6 mm, and its widest axis (the diameter at lateral medial coronal brain section) was 1 5 mm The marginal division looked like flat fan shaped structure, its dorsal ventral axis is wider in the rostral part, the longest axis was 2 2 mm, and its widest axis (the diameter at lateral medial coronal brain section) was 0 17 mm; its dorsal ventral axis is narrower in the caudal part, it is 0 8 mm, the wide axis was 0 13 mm The marginal division also moved progressively toward external direction (close to outer contour) from rostral section to caudate section, but its scope was larger than that of the others The whole marginal division changed evenly from rostral section to caudate one, the flat structure because progressively wider and its dorsal ventral diameter gradually turned small forming a plate shaped structure \;
Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
国家自然科学基金资助项目!(No.39770 5 5 0 )
广东省科学基金资助项目!(No.95 0 5 5 4)
Marginal division
\ Caudate putamen
\ Globus pallidus
\ Computer
\ Three dimension reconstruction
\ Rat