通过对板栗 4个品种叶片长度、宽度、叶长宽和与叶面积之间的相关分析 ,建立了数学关系式。经实际检验得知 :回归方程法只适用于单一品种 ,测定叶面积迅速准确 ;板栗叶面积公式法则适于所有板栗品种的叶面积估算 。
The four varieties of Chinese chestnut were used for studying the mutual relationship between the leaf-length, leaf-width, leaf-length plus leaf-width, and leaf area.Mathematic relation formula were setup.It is showed that method of regression equation can onlybe used for one variety, but the leaf-area was measured quickly. The method of formula can be used for each variety of chestnut for measuring leaf-area with high.
Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research