
中草药添加剂对生长肥育猪饲料养分消化率的影响研究 被引量:62

Effect of Chinese Herb Feed Additives on the Feed Nutrient Digestibility in Growing and Finishing Pigs
摘要 用 2 0kg左右的“杜长大”三元杂交猪 16头 ,分成对照组、中药组、中药 +西药组、西药组 4组 ,每组 4个重复。分 2 0~ 30kg ,30~ 70kg ,70~ 110kg三个阶段进行消化试验 ,测定中草药添加剂对饲料养分消化率的影响。结果表明 :与西药组和对照组相比 ,在 2 0~ 30kg ,30~ 70kg ,70~ 110kg阶段 ,中药组的CP的消化率均有所提高 ,其中 30~70kg阶段分别提高了 3 33% (P <0 0 5 )和 4 6 1% (P <0 0 5 ) ;EE消化率 ,分别提高了 4 17% (P <0 0 5 )和 11 6 3%(P <0 0 1) ,11 78% (P <0 0 1)和 16 0 6 % (P <0 0 1) ,4 4 5 % (P <0 0 5 )和 6 5 8% (P <0 0 5 ) ;CF消化率 ,分别提高了 3 99% (P <0 0 5 )和 5 3% (P <0 0 5 ) ,5 73% (P <0 0 5 )和 15 30 % (P <0 0 1) ,8 76 % (P <0 0 5 )和 13 75 % (P <0 0 1) ;中药组ASH ,Ca2 + 的消化率 ,在不同的生长阶段 ,都与西药组无显著差异 ,但都比对照组有显著、极显著的提高。P的消化率在前期和后期的变化与ASH ,Ca2 + 的相似 ,但 30~ 70kg阶段 4个组的差异不显著。结果还表明 ,就消化率而言 ,中草药添加剂与抗菌素和化学合成药物之间 。 Experiment has been conducted to investigate the effect of feed additives of Chinese herb on the growing characteristics in piglets through feeding, set with three period of 20~30?kg, 30~70?kg, 70~110?kg. 16 growing and finishing pigs (Duroc×Landrace×Yorkshire,20?kg initially) were assigned into control and three treat group set with four replicate pens per treatments. treated group 1,treated group 2 and treated group 3 fed basic diet supplemented with Chinese herb feed additives, Chinese herb feed additives + antibiotic/chemical compound drug and antibiotic respectively. Comparing to antibiotic/chemical synthetic drug group and control group, Chinese herb feed additives increased the crude protein digestibility of treatment pigs during three growing period, but no significant difference; The digestibility of EE was increased by 4 17% ( P <0 05) and 11 63% ( P <0 01), 11 78% ( P <0 01) and 16 06% ( P <0 01), 4 45% ( P <0 05) and 6 58% ( P <0 05) respectively; the digestibility of CF was increased by 3 99% ( P <0 05) and 5 3%( P <0 05),5 73%( P <0 05) and 15 30% ( P <0 01),8 76% ( P <0 05) and 13 75% ( P <0 01) respectively. The digestibility of Ash and Ca 2+ had no significant difference between treated group 1 and group 2, but both are higher than the control group. The digestibility of P had the same change on the former and latter period , but no significant difference for four groups during 30~70kg. The results also shows there were no additive effect of digestibility between the Chinese herb feed additives and antibiotics/ chemical synthetic medicine.
出处 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第1期81-85,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University
基金 云南省"九五"科技攻关重点项目资助 (95A3- 4 )
关键词 中草药添加剂 生长育肥猪 消化率 饲料养分 促生长作用 Chinese herb feed additives feed nutrient digestibility growing and finishing pig
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