龙白 3号大白菜为矮桩牛心型一代杂种。亲本P 2 0自交不亲和系由通化×胶二叶 60 Coγ辐射诱变群体中选出 ,亲本 2 36自交弱亲和系以龙白 1号大白菜为试材经连续自交育成。龙白 3号高抗病毒病 ,兼抗霜霉病 ,品质优良 ,净菜率高 ,产量为 4 2 2 3.5~ 5 2 0 0 .8kg·(6 6 7m2 ) -1,较对照品种增产 2 0 %左右。
Long Bai No.3 is a new Chinese Cabbage F 1 hybrid developed by crossing P 20 self incompatible line with 236. The shape of head is ox heart type with good quality. It is highly resistant to TuMV and downy mildew. Its yield is about 63.3~78.0t·hm -2 and is 20% higher than the check.
China Vegetables