IHSMTS是一种交互式多策略机器翻译系统 .给出了该系统中模式知识获取机制的设计和实现方法 ,在这种模式知识获取机制中有机地结合了多种知识获取方式 ,包括 :人机交互方式、基于机器翻译的源译文对照信息的自动获取、模式精炼方式和基于先验双语语料对齐的批量方式等 ,并通过模式验证算法实现对冗余、冲突等的检查 ,从而保证加入到模式库中的模式知识的单调递增性 ,同时实现模式适应性和准确性的平衡 ,使系统能够对实例模式库进行动态添加完善 。
IHSMTS is an interactive hybrid strategy machine translation system proposed by the authors. In this paper, the case model acquisition mechanism of this system is described, in which multiple knowledge acquisition approaches are combined, including: interactive approach, extracting from the bilingual information generated by RBMT, case model refinement and extracting from parallel bilingual aligned text, and so on. In addition, it is possible to guarantee the suitable abstract level of the acquired model and the monotonic increment of case model by using the case model checker, which is designed to check the consistency and redundancy among the new acquired model and the existing models in the case model base. By using this kind of case model acquisition mechanism, it is possible to acquire a case model in various ways, and, as a result, enable the IHSMT system to amend its case model base dynamically, thereby improving its translation quality.
Journal of Computer Research and Development
国家自然科学基金资助 ( 69882 0 0 6)