选择 1 8头体重 2 0 kg左右的太湖二元杂交小公猪 ,分成 A、B、C 3组 ,每组 6头。A组为对照组 ;B组颈部肌肉注射生长激素 ( PST) 4ml/头 ;C组颈部肌肉注射 PST脂质体 2 8mg/头 ;结果表明 PST与 PST脂质体对育肥猪的生产性能影响较为接近 ,与对照组相比 ,均可显著提高育肥猪的日增重 ,饲料报酬 ,改善猪的胴体品质 ,说明 PST脂质体可代替
Selected Taihu dual hybrid male pigs, 20 kg weight, had been divided in to 3 groups, which is A.B.C, every group has 6 pigs. Group A were decided as contrast group, group B were injected 4 ml per pig growth hormone (PST) into the muscle of neck, and group C were injected PST lipsome 28 mg per pig. The result showed that Group Hormone (PST) and PST Liposom were similar in their influence in the production of fattening pigs. And compared with contrast group, they both improved their speed of fattening in their everyday fattening process. Considering from the cost of feeding and Carcass quality, PST Liposom can take place the PST in their practice of production.
Ecology of Domestic Animal