为摸清陕西绒山羊育种工作的进展情况 ,对 90 6只陕西绒山羊进行了鉴定 ,结果表明 :陕西绒山羊在体尺、体重及产绒量等方面均比其母本子午岭黑山羊有了很大程度地改善 ,尤其是产绒量 ,周岁及成年公、母羊分别是子午岭黑山羊的 3.3、1 .8、3.4、2 .2倍 ,育种成效显著。
In order of find out how Shaanxi Cashmere Goat breeding is going, 906 Shaanxi Cashmere Goats were appraised. Compared with its male and female parents, we can draw a conclusion that Shaanxi Cashmere Goat has made great progress in size, weight and the output of fine hair. Especially in the output of Cashmere, both one full year of like and adult, whatere males and females, are 3.3 times, 1.8 times, 3.4 times, 2.2 times to their femal parents.
Ecology of Domestic Animal