加入WTO后 ,中国的经济成为世界经济的一部分 ,将为工程造价管理及工程造价咨询业的发展提供更加广阔的空间和舞台 ,同时也向高校培养工程造价管理专业人才提出更高要求。笔者力图从市场对工程造价管理人才的素质要求及其培养途径角度 ,寻求新的教学模式。
Chinas WTO membership makes Chinas economy part of the worlds economy.This not only provides wide space for the development in engineering cost management and consultancy service,but also sets higher demands for the personnel training in the field in colleges and universities.Try to seek a new teaching mode from training methods and from the markets demands for the qualifications of the personnel in engineering cost management.
Journal of Fujian College of Architecture & C.E.