记述了新疆天蛾科昆虫 3 0种和亚种及其地理分布、寄主植物和区系组成 .新疆天蛾科区系以中亚细亚种为主 ,有 1 2种 ,占 40 % ;泛古北种 7种 ,约占 2 3 % ;亚州种 6种 ,占 2 3 % ;欧洲 -西伯利亚种 2种 ,约占 7% ;全北区 1种 ;特有种 2种 ,即罗布麻天蛾 Hylea chamyla (Denso) ,库尔戛天蛾 Sphingonaepiopsis kuldiaenensis(Graeser)
We listed 30 species and subspecies of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from Xinjiang, west of China, together with their host plants and distributions. The fauna comprises 12 species from the Central Asia Sub Region by 40%, 7 from all the Palaeactic Region by 23%, 6 from Asia by 20%, 2 from Euro Sibiria Sub Region by 7%, 1 from Holoarctic Region, and 2 endemic species, that is, Hylea chamyla (Denso) and Sphingonaepiopsis kuldiaenensis (Graeser).
Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition)