通过对攀枝花机场高填方地基处理的现场试验 ,采用夯击能 2 0 0 0kN·m和 30 0 0kN·m以及 4 5× 4 5m的正方形布点、两遍夯对原地基进行了单点夯击试验 ,并通过夯后地基强度和承载力试验对夯后地基的加固效果进行了评价和分析 ,在此基础上 ,最后给出了地基强夯参数 。
With regard to the field tests of foundation compaction in Pan Zhi Hua airport high embankment,impact method with impact energy of 2000kN·m,3000kN·m and impact compaction spot in shape of 4 equal sides is studied and the consolidation effect of foundation after impact is evaluated.Finally,the reasonable impact compaction parameters are recommended.
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University