4月2日,南方某媒体在显著位置刊登招商广告,深圳方正科技有限公司声称,方正集团将首次斥巨资进军饮料业,其主打产品为食品行业最热门的茶饮料——花旗牌“花旗参茶”。 日前,西部12个省(市)近百家企业选举刘永好当选中国西部乳业发展协作会首席主席。
Investing into food industry has become the hottest item in China. This can be reflected by a few cases of businesses that normally have no connection with food industry, stepping into this sector. A case in point is the Founder Group, whose business is in the science and technology sector, which has set foot in tea beverage industry.
China Food Industry