随着中国加入WTO,物流的概念开始逐渐渗入到我们的经济生活中,逐步发挥出巨大的作用,成为新一轮投资的焦点。物流已经不再是简单的从车队到仓库的运输队概念,而成为企业发展的重要甚至是决定性的动力之一。 那么,对于相对传统的食品行业,将如何面对这场迅猛的物流风暴,食品行业的物流平台如何搭建?我们将从本期开始对物流、特别是食品行业的物流问题邀请企业人士和有关专家进行讨论,力图找到食品行业的物流之路。
The structure of agro-food markets is rapidly changing as a consequence of the globalization of world economy. Distribution costs are rising and make up a large part of the total cost throughout the food supply chain. In this sense, there is a growing demand to minimize costs in the new competitive environment and logistics reengineering is an opportunity to lower costs and to increase the efficiency of customer service.
China Food Industry