

Simple Analysis on the Student's Management
摘要 做好班级管理工作 :一、要把学生的学习作为中心工作来抓 ;二、要把坚持思想政治教育先行作为一个根本点来抓 ;三、要坚持着眼于人和 ,把立制度 ,重考核作为立足点 ;四、要树立“管”的观念 ,注意管理方式的运用 ;五、要坚持把班干部队伍建设作为重点来抓。 The paper gives account of doing one's best for grades's management in schools.1.Ought to put the study of students as a central work.2.Inisting on political and ideological education goes ahead of the rests as a basic point.3.Ought to put importance on the formulation of rules and regulations,at the same time,paying attention to the examination.4.Ought to cultivate the idea of management,and adopt the appropriate mode of management.5.Attaching importance for troops constraction of the classes.
作者 高元城
出处 《辽宁商务职业学院学报》 2002年第3期23-25,共3页 Journal of Liaoning Business Vocational College
关键词 高校 学生管理 例外管理 超前管理 分工负责制 exception management,advance management,responsibility by dividing works
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