李商隐的爱情诗境界 ,随其抒发对象的不同而多变幻。那些写给婚前恋人的 ,缠绵苍茫、色彩暗淡 ;写给妻子王氏的 ,纯洁明丽、情深意笃 ;诗中没有明确的抒情对象的 ,含蓄朦胧、委婉曲折。而且这些诗都有一个共同的特色 :痛苦的悲吟。
The realm of Li Shangyin's love poems vary with the different emotional object:Those that wrote for his lovers are very moving and dim in colour;Those that wrote for his wife Wang are very reserved and factful while those that have no definite target are very hazy and complicated.And all these poems have the same characterisit:painful lament.
Journal of Liaoning Business Vocational College