有热再生干燥器是仪表风脱水的重要设备 ,而仪表风中水分脱除的好坏直接关系到自动控制系统工作的可靠性。文章针对有热再生干燥器所存在的问题进行了分析 ,设计了一套单片机自动控制系统 ,该控制系统是由单片机构成的 ,以 80 31为核心 ,以 815 5A、B、C为输出 /入口 ,固态继电器控制电加热器的启停。在控制面板上设计了手动控制按钮、系统时间调整以及控制方案调整键盘接口。多年实践表明 。
The regenerated thermal desiccator is an important device to the dehydration of instrument air. The quality of dehydration of instrument air is e ssential to the reliability of automatic control system. In this paper, the exis ting problems of the regenerated thermal desiccator are analysed, and an automat ic control system is developed by using a set of single chip microprocessors,in cluding the central chip 8031, input/output interface 8155A, B, C, and the solid state relays for start and stop actions. The panel is a keyboard interface, wh ich has manipulating button for system time regulation and scheme regulation. Th e real time running for years indicates its effects very satisfactory.
Petroleum Instruments