为落实川西坳陷洛带气田的天然气储量 ,利用地质、地球物理相结合的方法 ,对其上侏罗统蓬莱镇组储层进行了地球物理模型研究。研究表明 ,洛带气田含气砂体的孔隙度、渗透率和含气饱和度与速度呈线性关系 ,含气砂岩具有低速度、强振幅、低频率、低关联维、高道积分特征。据此 。
In order to fix natural gas reserves in Luodai gas field of Chuanxi depression, a study on geophysical model is made for the reservoirs in Penglaizhen formation of upper Jurassic using the combination of geological and geophysical methods. It presents that porosity, permeability and gas saturation of the gasbearing sand body in Loudai gas field are linear with the velocity. Gasbearing sandstones are of the characteristics of low velocity, strong amplitude, low frequency, low associated dimension and high trace integration. In view of the above, the space distribution of the reservoirs is predicted correctly.
Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency