用自制改性甘油作为溶剂合成了甲基葡萄糖苷聚氧乙烯醚 ,适宜反应条件为 :温度 1 5 0 -1 75℃ ,溶剂 1 5 % ,催化剂NaOH用量 1 % (均以原料质量计 ) ,压力 0 .2 - 0 .3Mpa ,充分搅拌。
Polyoxyethylene Methyl Glucoside Ether is synthesized in solvent. whe n in the modified glycerol solvent,the properly reaction condition is the follow ing item: NaOH as the catalyst,1:7 of the ratio of the amount of solvent and raw material ,at 150-170℃,0.2-0.3MPa,stirring ratio of 200rpm.
Journal of Xinjiang Petroleum Institute