介绍了西气东输管道工程《管道对接环焊缝全自动超声波检测》标准的技术特点、主要内容,并对本标准与国外先进标准、国外先进企业标准进行了较详细的对比分析。本标准在检测工艺方面与ASTM E1961-98相近。验收部分是从缺欠的位置、缺欠自身高度和长度来加以限制,较为合理,具有科学性,与EN25817-92和ISO5817-92标准相当,比API1104-99标准偏严,与西气东输工程射线检测企业标准也基本相当。
The paper has comparatively detailed introduced technical characteristic, major content of 《fully automatic ultrasonic detection of butt joint of pipeline for transportation of nature gas from the west to the east》 and has compared this standard with foreign advanced standard and foreign advanced enterprise standard. The standard is similar to ASTM E1961-98 on inspection technology. Acceptance is restricted from the location of defects, owe self altitude and length of defects; it is relatively reasonable, scientific and matching to EN25817-92 and ISO5817-92 standard, more strict than API 1104-99 standard, and also matching to enterprise standard of transportation engineering of nature gas from the west to the east.
Petroleum Engineering Construction