水母雪莲 (SaussureameduasaMaxim)是典型的高山雪线植物。本文研究了其愈伤组织及悬浮细胞的培养过程 ,并对其抗寒性做了初步研究。研究结果表明 ,水母雪莲愈伤组织和悬浮培养细胞分别可抵抗 - 6 .5℃、- 7.5℃的冰冻低温胁迫。水母雪莲愈伤组织细胞内丰富的蛋白质和淀粉粒多糖构成其较强抗冻能力的物质基础。低温锻炼后 ,悬浮细胞分泌蛋白中有新的多肽 (76 ,48,2 7.5 ,1 9.5kD)合成 ,而3 3 ,5 1kD两条多肽合成增强。悬浮细胞抗冻能力的提高同蛋白质合成的增强是一致的。
Saussurea meduasa Maxim,a typical alpine snowline plant collected from a 4150 m altitude site on Qinghai Plateau, is freeze tolerant. The induction of callus and the culturing of cell suspension for this alpine plant were successful and the freeze tolerance was analyzed in this research. The research results showed that the calli and cell suspension cultures can tolerate -6.5 ℃ and -7.5 ℃ respectively. Rich content in proteins and starch in cells of Saussurea meduasa Maxim might contribute to the high freezing tolerance of callus .Cold acclimation can increase the freezing tolerance of calli and cell suspension cultures. After cold acclimation,new polypeptides (76,48,27.5,19.5 kD) and the enhanced synthesis of 33 and 51 kD peptides were identified on SDS_PAGE in cell suspension culture medium .Our research results suggested that the development of freezing hardiness of calli and cell suspension cultures was consistent with the enhancement of protein synthesis in Saussurea meduasa Maxim under cold acclimation.
Chinese Bulletin of Botany
国家自然科学基金 ( 3980 0 1 1 8)
教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目 ( 6 5 0 5 30 )资助的课题