微生物入侵种具有极强的破坏性 ,包括我国在内的世界各国都因微生物外来种而遭受巨大损失。随着国际经济一体化的进程和生物技术的高速发展 ,微生物入侵和生物武器对人类健康、经济发展 ,乃至社会稳定和国家安全均构成严重威胁。我国目前的研究还不能为有效预防和控制微生物入侵提供足够的理论支持 ,防治工作仍停留在一般性的检疫和简单的措施上。因此 ,加强微生物入侵种和生物武器的研究与防治工作 。
Invasive microbes are potentially highly destructive to the human environment, and all countries, including China, are subject to their effects. Due to international economic integration and rapid development of biotechnology, invasive microbes and bio-weapons must be regarded as serious threats to human health, economic development, social stabilization and national security. Current studies in China are inadequate for defense against and effective control of microbial invasion. Other than routine quarantine and basic measures, no facility for active control exists. Consequently, enhanced study of invasive microbes and bio-weapons, the establishment of a national invasive species prediction system, and a supervisory control network are essential for future development of the country.
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences