运用二元合金杠杆定律 ,研究了纺织器材常用钢种的硬度值与热处理工艺的关系。研究表明 ,碳钢在完全退火、球化退火和正火状态下硬度的计算值与实际值相近。研究发现 ,碳钢马氏体的硬度由板条马氏体和片状马氏体的硬度决定 ,在 0 .3%~ 1 .0 %C范围内存在一个由板条马氏体和片状马氏体混合而造成的附加硬度ΔHB ;高碳钢采用奥氏体成分不均匀化淬火 ,可以得到较多的未溶渗碳体和更高的硬度 ;低碳钢采用亚温(AC1 -AC3)淬火 。
The paper makes a study on the application of two kinds of elements of alloy law,the relation of hardness and heat treatment with usual use of carbon steel inf texitile accessories.The studies show that the calculated value of hardness is similar to the actual value of hardness when carbon steel is dopendent on the hardness of martensite lath and martensite plate.and there is secondary hardness △ HB which is consisted of martensite lath and martensite plate when they are mixed in the range of 0.3%-1.0% C.Hingh carbon steel will be gain a more amount of undissolved (remained)(carbide and higher hardness when the steel is quenched with austenite of on-homogeneous chemical complsition.Low carbon steel will be gain the highest hardness HB max when the steel is quenched in range of sub-critical temperature(A c1 ~A c3 )
Journal of Chengdu Textile College