
成藏年代学研究现状 被引量:41

Methods of Geochronology of Petroleum Accumulation.
摘要 成藏年代学是当代石油地质学的一个前沿领域,现已形成油藏地球化学、包裹体测温法、同位素测年法、有机岩石学方法、饱和压力-露点压力法、油气水界面追溯法等多种研究方法或技术。以塔里木盆地为例,分析了这些方法在油气成藏年代学研究中的应用问题,认为现有的成藏年代学研究方法特别是流体包裹体和自生伊利石K-Ar同位素测年等新方法和新技术尽管在成藏年代学研究方面具有很好的应用前景,但对于油气藏形成较复杂的叠合盆地的成藏年代和成藏史研究而言,尚需采用多种方法综合研究。 Geochronology of petroleum accumulation is a frontier field in modern petroleum geology,which mainly deals with the accumulation timing and filling history of a hydrocarbon reservoir.Several methods and technologies such as reservoir geochemistry,fluid inclusion analyzing,isotopic dating,organic lithology,dew-point/saturated pressure an-alyzing,and oil/gas-water contact retrospecting have been developed to determine the accumulation timing and hydro-carbon filling history.Although these methods have been used successfully in some simple basins,most of them have their own deficiency to some extent.In this paper,these methods are reviewed and their problems and applications dis-cussed.It is concluded that a synthetic study using multiple methods is usually necessary when accumulation timing and hydrocarbon filling history in basins with complicated history of orogeny,petroleum generation,migration and accumu -lation are analyzed.Methods like fluid inclusion analyzing and authigenic illite's K-Ar dating,though having great po-tential in geochronologic determination of petroleum reservoirs,still need to be improved and combined with other meth-ods to deal with the accumulation timing and hydrocarbon filling history in a complex basin.
出处 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 2002年第3期257-261,共5页 Xinjiang Petroleum Geology
基金 国家"九五"重点科技攻关项目(编号99-111-01-04-05)
关键词 成藏年代学 成藏史 流体包裹体 伊利石K-Ar测年 油藏地球化学 油气水界面追溯法 geochronology reservoir-forming history fluid inclusion illite K-Ar dating reservoir geochem-istry oil/gas-water contact retrospecting
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