附植前后哺乳动物子宫和胚胎能分泌多种妊娠相关蛋白 ,这些蛋白对妊娠的建立与维持十分重要 .为了从生化角度进一步研究胚泡附植的机理 ,从分析附植前后兔子宫和胚胎总蛋白含量着手 ,探讨了非妊娠和受孕不同时期的子宫和胚胎总蛋白含量的变化 .结果表明 ,非妊娠兔比妊娠兔子宫冲洗液总蛋白含量低 .妊娠组中 ,胚泡附植前后随着妊娠时间的延长 ,子宫冲洗液中蛋白质含量逐渐增加 ,妊娠前 4 d,增加幅度不大 ,从第 4 d到第 6 d增加幅度较大 ,从妊娠第 6 d到第 9d,蛋白质增加特别明显 .对于妊娠第 9d胚泡液 ,大胚泡 (直径 1cm左右 )中胚泡液总蛋白含量高于小胚泡 (直径 0 .5 cm左右 ) 。
Proteins relevant to pregnancy were secreted from uterus and embryos of mammary animals maintenance at peri implantation stage. These proteins were vital to the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Total protein contents in uteruses and embryos of different periods of pregnant rabbits and non pregnant rabbits were studied for the researches on the mechanism of blastocyst implantation. The rabbits were divided into two groups (the non pregnant group and the pregnant group). The results show that there are more protein in the latter group than that in the former by comparison of protein percentage in the uterine flushings the non pregnant rabbits and the pregnant ones. Protein contents in the uterine flushings increase as the pregnant days are prolonged during peri implantation. For the pregnant rabbits, there are no significant changes in protein contents from D 0 to D 4 .However, the changes of protein contents can be found from D 4 to D 6 and there is much more protein in uterine flushing in D 9 than that of D 0, D 2, D 4 and D 6. As to the ninth day's blastocyst fluids, there is more protein in big blastocyst fluids (diameter about 1 cm) than that in small ones (diameter about 0.5 cm) in the same body. It suggests that the embryo diameter might be used as an index to determine the early embryo development.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
国家教育部骨干教师基金项目 (教技司[2 0 0 0 ]6 5号 )