Obyective:To understand the antibacterial activity of Niaoluqing (NLQ), a kind of Chinese medicinal herbs liquid , ageinst common pathogenic bacteria in urinary and genital system. Methods: Tthe inhibitory effect of NLQ on international standard strain of UU(T8 )and MH was examined with microdilution method. MH were cultured in a liquid medium in which NLQ was added in doubling dilution, and The antibacterial activity of NLQ against other germs always found in urnary and genital system was examined with fluid tube culture method. Results; NLQ had a high sensitivity to UU( MIC = 3. 91g/L) ,a low sensitivity to MH(MIC =7. 81g/L) ,and a high sensitivity to Staphylococcus aureus,beta Streptococcus, Catarrhalis,Escherichia coli,Pseudomonas,Aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Staphyliciaus epidermidis. Conclusion; Chinese medicinal herbs liquid are of momentous roles in the treatnent of UU, MH and other pathogenic germs infection. It was suggested that the necessary work should be strengthened in the field of experimental or foundmental research of the diseases.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning