目的 确定CT引导下经肺穿刺活检 (TTNB)的临床价值。方法 共 2 90例CT引导下TTNB患者 ,其中 41例进一步做了剖胸手术 ,对该 41例患者的TTNB和手术结果进行回顾性分析。结果 共有 3 3例患者的TTNB结果与手术结果相一致 ,其中 2 5例为恶性病变 ,8例为良性病变。对于恶性病变 ,TTNB的敏感度为 91.6% ,特异度为 10 0 %。获得特异性的组织病理学诊断的概率为 80 .5 %。结论 CT引导下肺穿刺活检是一种方便、安全、有效的诊断方法 ,不仅可以提供重要的诊断信息 ,而且可以为做出更好的治疗计划提供帮助。
Objective To determine the clinical utility of CT guided transthoracic core needle biopsy (TTNB). Methods A review of 290 patients who underwent TTNB was carried out. A total of 41 patients underwent thoracic surgery for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes later. We reviewed the results of CT guided TTNB of these 41 patients with respect to the cytology results, nodule size. Results TTNB diagnosis was confirmed by surgery in 33 patients, 25 patients with malignant cytology and 8 patients with benign cytology were found, with a sensitivity of 91.6% and a specificity of 87.5% for malignant lesions. Conclusion CT guided TTNB is not only an easy and safe procedure that can provide important diagnostic information, but also allows better therapy planning.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology