对来自我国 13个省份的松杉球壳孢 (S .sapinea) 4 9~ 5 5个菌株进行生长适应性研究。在 6种培养基质、系列温度梯度和系列pH值梯度条件下 ,各菌株的生长适应性存在较大的差异。在Czapek培养基上 ,有些菌株存在明显的营养适性分化。运用高次多项式数学模型拟合方法构建出各供试菌株 0~ 72h的生长量随系列温度、系列pH值的变化曲线 ,从而确定了各菌株的平均最适生长温度为 2 6 .8℃ ,其中最低值为 2 3.1℃(ZJ2 ) ,最高值为 2 9 6℃ (F1) ;平均最适生长pH值为pH5 .6 ,其中最低值为pH4 .4 (F7) ,最高值为pH6 .7(F5 )。地理来源及其生境对松枯梢病菌菌株间的适温性变化似有一定影响 。
Growth adaptability differentiation in 49~55 isolates of Sphaeropsis sapinea obtained from 13 provinces in China was studied. There were growth differences in various media, six temperatures and six pH values among the isolates. It is the first report to apply a mathematical function for establishing temperature and pH growth curve (0~72?h) to compare their optimum values and differences in the isolates of S. sapinea in China. The average optimum growth temperature of all isolates was 26.8℃ , and that of isolate ZJ2 was the lowest (23.1℃), the isolate F1 highest (29.6℃) . The average optimum growth pH was pH 5.6 , and the isolate F7 lowest (pH 4.4), the isolate F5 highest (pH 6.7). Different geographic regions may have some effects on adaptation of isolates to temperature , but no obviously effect on adaptation to pH.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (No .3 0 0 70 62 1)