目的 :观察对照优势侧有抽搐电休克 (ECT)与无抽搐电休克在治疗精神分裂症过程中的副作用 ,以便采取相应的护理对策。方法 :ECT治疗精神分裂症 6 0例 ,(有抽搐ECT30例 ,无抽搐ECT30例 )。采用副反应量表 (TESS)及自ECT观察量表分析评定治疗过程中的副作用。结果 :有抽搐ECT了组副反应明显重于无抽搐组 (p <0。 0 1)。主要表现在全身性抽搐发作后 ,患者均出现程度不等的意识模糊、头痛、头昏、肌肉酸痛、脉率加快。结论 :无抽搐ECT较有抽搐ECT副反应小 ,患者易于接受。
Objective: To compare the sides effects of dominant lateral ECT with that of no-convusion ECT in the treatnment of schizoph renia and study nursing measure.Methods: Under moniotor of EEG and ECG,we have treated 60 cases of schizophrenia with ECT(convusion ECT and no-convusion ECT 30 cases respectively) and observed. the sides effects of ECT with TESS abd sclf-containetl scales.Results:The sides effects of convusion ECT were nluch more than that of no-convusion ECT.(p<0.01)the main presentation of sides effects were confusion,headache,clilziness,muscularpain and tachycardia. Conclusion:The no-convusion ECT was much more safe than convusion ECT and easily accepted by the patients.
Hebei Medicine