目的 :探讨人工尿道括约肌治疗真性尿失禁的效果和安全性。方法 :对 1例前列腺电切术后尿失禁患者进行AMS 80 0人工尿道括约肌植入治疗 ,记录植入术前术后的排尿日记 ,并观察不良反应。结果 :施行人工尿道括约肌植入术后 6周开通人工尿道括约肌 ,尿失禁得到良好地控制 ,恢复自主排尿 ,未发生并发症 ,无其他不良反应。结论 :人工尿道括约肌植入术是一种安全有效的治疗真性尿失禁的方法。
Purpose:To explore the efficacy and safety of artificial urinary sphincter in the treatment of post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence.Methods:Implantation of an AMS 800 sphincter prosthesis were carried out on a patient with urinary incontinence secondary to TURP. The voiding diaries were recorded before and after the implantation. The adverse events were recorded after the procedure. The literature was also reviewed.Results:With completely urinary incontinence, the patient had to use the condom urine collecting system and this made him suffering prepuce and scrotum infection before the implantation. The implantation was carried out under continuous epidural anesthesia and the perioperation proved eventless. 6 weeks after the implantation, the sphincter pump was activated and after a few times practicing the patient got familiar with it and had his urine continence completely.Conclusions:Artificial urinary sphincter implantation is an effective and safety therapy for the post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence.
Journal of Clinical Urology