目的 :改善外伤性无虹膜、无晶体眼或白内障患者的羞明症状 ,提高视力。方法 :使用德国MORCHER公司生产的带虹膜人工晶体为 3 7例无虹膜、无晶体或合并外伤性白内障、玻璃体出血的患者施行了白内障摘除或晶体、玻璃体切除联合带虹膜人工晶体植入术及带虹膜人工晶体二期植入术。结果 :术后患者羞明症状明显改善 ,视力有不同程度的提高。结论 :带虹膜人工晶体对治疗外伤性无虹膜、无晶体眼具有良好的实用价值 。
Using black diaphragm intraocular lens implantation in management of traumatic aniridia combined with aphakia in order to eliminate the severe symptom of photophobia and to improve visual acuity. Methods:Black diaphragm intraocular lens produced by Morcher Company (Germany) was used in 37 cases of traumatic aniridia combined with aphakia due to cataract extraction or lensectomy and vitrectomy for the first or secondary lens implantation (suture fixation). Results:Certain degree of improvement in photophobia symptom and visual acuity are observed in all cases after surgery. Conclusions:Black diaphragm intraocular lens implantation is an effective technique with practical prospect in management of traumatic aniridia combined with aphakia,yet the post surgery complications should be noted.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology