研究了原发性脑瘤患者手术前中医症状学特点。观察符合标准的 318例脑瘤患者的症状 ,统计症状频次 ,比较不同脑瘤的症状特点。结果 :脑瘤引起头面五官的症状最常见 ,如头痛(66 1% )、视物不清 (37 7% )、头晕 (2 2 0 % ) ;胃肠道症状次之 ,如呕吐 (19 5 % )、恶心 (16 7% ) ;肢体感觉运动功能的障碍 ,如行走不稳 (15 1% )、肢体少力 (14 5 % )、四肢抽搐 (10 4 % ) ;精神意识情志异常 ,如意识丧失 (10 1% )。不同脑瘤症状表现上共性多于个性。结论 :脑瘤发病偏年轻 ,平均 33 81岁 ,小于 4 0岁者占总数的 63 8% ;症状持续时间长短不一 ,1年以内确诊者占63 2 %。症状多种多样 ,头痛、视物不清、头晕是各种脑瘤患者最常见的临床表现。
In order to study the preoperative TCM symptomatological characteristics of the patients with primary cerebroma, in line with the design of the research, the symptoms and signs of 318 cases of primary cerebroma were observed, their frequency of occurrence was calculated, and their manifestations in different kinds of cerebroma were compared. It was found that the symptoms and signs related to the head, face and the five sense organs such as headache (66 1%), blurred vision (37 7%), dizziness (22 0%) were commonest, and the symptoms and signs related to the stomach and intestines such as vomiting (19 5%), nausea (16 7%) were commoner; other symptoms and signs such as hobbling (15 1%), weak limbs (14 5%), convulsion of the limbs (10 4%) and unconsciousness (10 1%) were relatively high in percentage. The results of analysis showed that the symptoms and signs of different kinds of cerebroma shared many common points. According to this research, the mean age of the patients with primary cerebroma was 33 81 and the 63 8% of the patients were aged less than 40; the lasting time of the symptoms and signs was different, and the 63 2% of the confirmed diagnoses were made within 1 year; and the symptoms such as headache, blurred vision, dizziness appeared commonly in patients with different kinds of cerebroma.
Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
北京市科委课题 (No .95 40 2 42 0 0 )
Traditional Chinese Medicine