目的 人类Yq11.2 3上的DYS 2 40基因是无精子因子AZF(azoospermicfactor ,AZF)的重要候选成分 ,它的缺失可能导致无精子症或严重少精子症。本文着重探讨其在人类精子发生过程中的作用。方法 采用聚合酶链反应 (polymerasechainreaction ,PCR)检测了 2 6例核型正常的无精子症或严重少精子症患者的DYS 2 40基因。结果 有 2例患者DYS 2 40基因缺失 ,占全部被检测 2 6例患者的 7.6 9%。结论 提示DYS 2 40基因的存在与否与精子发生具有相关性。本结果丰富了精子发生的基础理论 ,为男性避孕寻求新的方法拓宽了思路。
Objective DYS 240 gene , which is located in human Yq11.23, is an important candidate for azoospermia factor AZF . Its deletion may cause azoospermia & severe oligospermia . The assay investigated whether DYS 240 gene had any effect in the procedure of human spermatogenesis . Methods PCR was applied to examine DYS 240 gene of circulating lymphocyte of 26 patients with azoospermia & severe oligospermia . Results Two cases had DYS 240 gene deletion,which was 7.69% of all the patients exmained.Conclusion These data provide further evidence that DYS 240 gene is a candidate for AZF, and there is relativity between DYS 240 gene and spermatogenesis .
Journal of Wannan Medical College