阐明 2型糖尿病患者不同脂肪酸构成比脂肪负荷餐后富甘油三酯脂蛋白残粒甘油三酯的代谢动态 ,探讨脂肪负荷餐适宜的脂肪酸构成比。 2 8例 2型糖尿病患者按两级分层抽样被随机分为 3组 ,空腹时分别接受饱和脂肪酸∶单不饱和脂肪酸∶多不饱和脂肪酸分别为 1∶1∶1、1∶1.7∶1.2和 1∶1.7∶2 .3的脂肪负荷餐。超速离心将富甘油三酯脂蛋白及其残粒分成Svedberg漂浮率 >4 0 0、6 0~ 4 0 0、2 0~ 6 0和 12~ 2 0四个亚组份 ,并测定餐前和餐后 2、4、6h其中甘油三酯以及血浆总甘油三酯的浓度。 1∶1∶1组和 1∶1.7∶1.2组血浆总甘油三酯和Svedberg漂浮率 >4 0 0甘油三酯达峰时间均早于 1∶1.7∶2 .3组 ;1∶1.7∶1.2组餐后 2h血浆总甘油三酯增值显著高于 1∶1.7∶2 .3组 ;1∶1.7∶1.2组Svedberg漂浮率 12~ 2 0甘油三酯餐后平均总反应浓度增值显著低于 1∶1∶1组和 1∶1.7∶2 .3组。多元逐步回归分析表明单不饱和脂肪酸 多不饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸 饱和脂肪酸分别是影响餐后 2h血浆总甘油三酯增值和血浆总甘油三酯餐后平均总反应浓度的重要因素。以上表明不同脂肪酸构成比餐后血浆甘油三酯代谢不同 ,建议采用 1∶1.7∶1.
Aim To explore the effects of oral fatty loads with different ratios of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids on the metabolism of postprandial triacylglycerol in triacylglycerol rich lipoproteins (TGRL) and to find a suitable fatty acid composition ratio used in the oral fatty load. Methods The oral fatty loads with three different fatty acids ratios (1∶1∶1, 1∶1.7∶1.2 and 1∶1.7∶2.3) were carried out in 28 type 2 diabetic patients. There were 9,9,10 patients in the group 1∶1∶1, 1∶1.7∶1.2 and 1∶1.7∶2.3, respectively. All the patients were matched for sex, body mass index and age. Plasma were obtained before and 2, 4, 6 h after the fatty load. TGRL were subfractioned to Sf~400, Sf60~400, Sf 20~60 and Sf12~20 fractions by cumulative floatation in a density gradient from plasma. The whole plasma triacylglycerol (TG) and TGRL subfractions triacylglycerol were determined. Results The postprandial TG peak value of the total plasma TG and TG in four subfractions of TGRL as well as the total TG, Sf>400 TG and Sf 60~400 TG average concentration in all groups were significantly higher than fasting TG, respectively (P<0.05). The total plasma TG in group 1∶1∶1 peaked at 2~4 h after the fatty loads, in group 1∶1.7∶1.2 at 4 h but in group 1∶1.7∶2.3 at 4~6 h. Sf>400 TG peaked at 2~4 h after the fatty loads in both group 1∶1∶1 and group 1∶1.7∶1.2 but 2~6 h in group 1∶1.7∶2.3. Increment of total plasma TG at 2 h was significantly higher in group 1∶1.7∶1.2 than in group 1∶1.7∶2.3. (P<0.05), increment of postprandial average concentration of triacylglycerol in Sf12~20 TGRL was significantly lower in group 1∶1.7∶1.2 than in group 1∶1∶1 and group 1∶1.7∶2.3 (P<0.05). MUFA/PUFA was the important factor influencing the increment of the whole plasma triacylglycerol at 2 h after the fatty load. MUFA/SFA was the important factor influencing the increment of postprandial average concentration of the whole plasma triacylgleycerol. The whole plasma triacylglycerol was determined by Sf>400 triacylglycerol rich lipoproteins triacylglycerol. Conclusions The data showed that the fatty meals with different fatty acids composition ratios led to the different patterns of the whole plasma triacylglycerol and to that of TGRL triacylglycerol. An oral fatty load with a dietary fatty acid composition ratio of 1∶1.7∶1.2 could be used in postprandial lipemia and TGRL study.
Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis
中山医科大学科研基金 (5 2 2 3 0 1118)
Fatty Acids, Postprandial Metabolism
Diabetes Mellitus