根据利益相关者共同治理理论 ,企业利益相关者共同治理机制设计必须坚持同权原则、均占原则、市场原则和边际调整原则。企业利益相关者共同治理机制的主要内容包括 :董事会成为企业物质资本所有者和人力资本所有者的受托人 ;广大职工、经理人员和股东各自推选自己的董事和监事代表组建董事会和监事会 ;职工代表大会和经理人员会议与股东大会一起成为最高权力机构 ;股东。
Based on the theory of shareholders mutual governance, the designing of the shareholders mutual governance mechanism must accord to principles of the same rights, mutual possessing, market negotiating and marginal adjusting. This article designs the shareholders mutual governance mechanism, which includes: the board of directors becomes an assignee; workers, managers and stockholders elect their own representatives to form the board of directors and the board of supervisors; the workers congress, the managers conference and the stockholders congress together become the top authorities, and stockholders, managers and workers divide the residual of the enterprise.
Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law