青年毛泽东十分重视文化的时代性和民族性。他受杨昌济思想的影响 ,主张批判地融合中西文化。中西文化作为不同民族的历史积淀 ,各有长短 ,青年毛泽东能对之加以具体地分析、批判 ,并融合其优秀成分。这种融合是建立在对国情 (包括历史文化传统和现实情形两方面 )进行“实地调查及研究”基础之上的。他在主编《湘江评论》时 ,就引进了近代西方资产阶级文化来否定封建文化 ,因而促使他更早地实现了世界观的根本转变和文化观“质”的飞跃。
Young Mao Ze-dong attached great importance to the characteristics of the times and nation. Influenced by Mr. Yang Chang-ji, Mao Ze-dong advocated to integrate Chinese culture with Western culture critically. As the historic accumulation of different nation, both Chinese culture and Western culture have advantages and disadvantages. Mao Ze-dong analyzed it, criticized it and obtained the best elements from the Western culture. This kind of integration was based on the actual investigation and research of China situation at that time. When composing 'Xiangjiang Review', Mao Ze-dong negated the feudal culture by introducing Western culture of capitalism. This was a mark showing his fundamental change and great leap in his view of outlook and culture.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)