宋仁宗朝重修《唐书》 ,自庆历四年开始 ,先后经宋祁、欧阳修等 2 0余人参撰 ,历时 17年 ,于嘉五年成书 ,史称《新唐书》。与《旧唐书》相较 ,“其事则增于前 ,其文则省于旧” ,然有得亦有失 ,二书并行于后世。
Decided by the Emperor Ren-zong in the Northern Song Dynasty, more than 20 scholars like Mr. Song Qi and Mr. Ouyang Xiu, etc. had started to compose the The New Tang Book from the year 1044, and it took them nearly 17 years to finish it. Comparing with The Tang's Book , more events had been added to The New Tang's Book . However, the latter one had merits and shortcomings as well. Thus two books were passed on to the later generations.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)