宋惠莲从小在蔡通判家受到淫荡风气的熏染 ,所恪守的情感原则与传统文化中对贞节观的“正宗”诠释有着不同的内涵。孙雪娥一直冷眼旁观这个污浊的家庭 ,在她的身上带有一定的主体亮色和情爱追求的微光。韩爱姐悲观厌世 ,甘愿自绝于命而恪守贞节 。
Since her early age, Song Hui-lian was gradually influenced by the licentious atmosphere when she stayed at Official Cai's. Her principle towards love was quite different from the virginity connotations in the traditional culture. Sun Xue'er stayed aloof from this filthy family. One can see her struggle for her true love. Han Ai-jie was pessimistic and willing to end her life. Her sticking to her virginity was reflection of her life disillusion.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)