谚语是人民大众的一种口头创作 ,是人民大众在生产实践和社会实践中经验、教训、知识和生活的总结 ,是一种短小精悍而又富于哲理和科学性的语言艺术形式。英汉两种语言中存在着大量内容丰富、形式多样的谚语。作为语言艺术中的一朵奇葩 ,英汉谚语在起源、类别及语言特色上有许多相通之处。
Both Chinese and English proverbs are brief and well-polished expressions embedded in philosophical ideas concerning different aspects of life. Originating from people's social activities, daily life and other experiences, proverbs in the two languages have a lot in common. This paper attempts to make a comparison between Chinese and English proverbs in three aspects: origin, classification and linguistic characteristics.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)