在中学语文教学中培养学生的文学鉴赏能力有重要意义。它可以使学生开拓视野 ,陶冶情操 ,增长知识 ;可以提高学生的语文能力 ;并对改变语文教学现状和提高学生实际水平有很大作用。语文教学过程中 ,应从以下两方面进行培养 :一方面进行朗读训练 ,增强语感 ,培养学生对文学作品的感受力 ;另一方面引导学生深入作品 。
It is of great significance to cultivate middle school students' literary taste,which,as it were,can open up students' vista,refine their sentiment,broaden their knowlege,develop their larguage skills,and will play a huge role in changing the exitent situation of the Chinese Language teaching.The following two aspects should be paid much attention to:1.The students must do reading aloud so as to increase language sensitivity and experience the beauty of literary works.2.The students must be guided to penetrate into literary works so as to develop their literary taste.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)