《孔乙已》是鲁迅的一部极具悲剧色彩的短篇小说。作品通过人的价值和尊严的丧失 ,通过人的灵魂的扭曲 ,使小说的悲剧意义达到了相当的深度。同时 ,以喜剧的手法来表现悲剧的内容构成了小说独特的美学风格。
Kong Yiji is one of Luxun's short novels which fullly possesses tragic color. In the work,the character's value and dignity are lost,his spirit is distorted,which makes the novel's tragic sense reach a rather deep degree of depth. Besides,expressing the tragic theme through comic expression forms the unique aesthetic style of the novel.
Journal of Tonghua Normal University