The performance of self-regulation of soil refers to the ability of soil itself in controling and buffering to a certain extent in the courses of physical,chemical and biological pnocesses in vivo, enabling the storage and supply of soil moisture, nutrients,air and heat to better satisfy the needs of plant growth.The adaptabnity of soil to unfavorable environmental or obstlicle factors,i-e., its resistance preformence,is the exptession of soil self-regulation preforlriance under special conditions.Soil self-regulation performance is the overall expression of the abilicies of son in adsorption-storage,rekase-supply,transformation and buffering,which is determined both by the “physique” and by the “pedon structure”.The so-called“physique”refers to the quantity,composition proportion and abilities of adsorption-storage,release-supply,transformation and buffering of basal substances of soil frecility-various fractions of microaggregates;and the so-called “pedon structure”denotes the patterns of arrangement and fabric of vatious fractions of microaggregates in the pedon.To improve the“physique”and“pedon structure” through proper ways will be able to strengthen the performance of self-regulation of soil,and hence to enhante the level of soil fertility.
Acta Pedologica Sinica