

Differential role of estrogen in dopamine metabolism in the amygdala and striatum of female rats
摘要 为探讨雌激素对大鼠杏仁核 (amygdala ,Amy)与纹状体 (striatum ,Str)多巴胺 (dopamine ,DA)代谢的作用 ,本实验采用离体电化学检测技术高效液相色谱法 (highperformanceliquidchromatography ,HPLC)测定正常雌鼠及经雌激素处理的去卵巢 (ovariectomy,OVX)雌鼠Amy和Str的DA及其代谢产物的组织含量。实验结果显示 ,OVX雌鼠经雌激素处理后 ,可引起Amy的DA及其代谢产物含量减少 ,而Str的DA及其代谢产物含量不受其影响。OVX雌鼠Amy的DA更新率低于正常及雌激素处理的OVX鼠 ,Amy组织的DA含量约是Str组织的 1/ 6 ,而更新率是Str的 2倍左右。以上结果提示 ,雌性大鼠血清雌激素浓度可影响其Amy组织的DA代谢及组织含量 ,而Str的DA组织含量不因雌激素浓度的改变而变化。 To study the effects of estrogen on the contents of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites in the amygdala (Amy) and striatum (Str) of rats, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to measure the contents of DA and its metabolites in untreated ovariectomized (OVX) rats and OVX rats treated with estrogen. The contents of DA and its metabolites in Amy but not Str were significantly higher when the OVX rats were treated with a high dose of estradiol benzoate (EB). The turnover rate of DA in Amy of the OVX rats was lower than that of normal and EB treated OVX rats. The turnover rate of DA in Amy was about twice as high as in the Str, while the content of DA in Amy was only one sixth of that in the Str. The results obtained imply that serum concentration of estrogen is one of the important factors which affect the DA metabolism and content in the Amy of female rats, while the Str is not influenced by estrogen.
作者 刘彬 谢俊霞
出处 《生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期121-124,共4页 Acta Physiologica Sinica
基金 ThisworkwassupportedbytheKeyProjectfortheNinthFive YearPlanofChina (No 9690 60 5 0 8)andtheNaturalScienceFoundationofShandongProvinceofChina (No Y98D0 14 9 No L2 0 0 0C0 1
关键词 雌激素 大鼠 杏仁核 纹状体 多巴胺代谢 作用 estrogen dopamine amygdala striatum high performance liquid chromatography
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