根据《全日制义务教育数学课程标准 (实验稿 )》,空间与图形部分的教学内容是义务教育阶段数学课程的重要组成部分 ,本文提出可从两个角度来认识空间与图形的教学目标 ,并着重从学生的数学知识学习、数学能力培养的角度 ,提出这部分内容的主要教学目标是学习空间与图形的基础知识、建立空间观念和几何直觉、培养思维能力 ,并就教材编制过程中有关内容结构体系、如何把握好教学要求。
In accordance with Mathematics curriculum standards for grades 1-9∶under experiment, the thesis raised a point that the central instructive objectives of space and graph should include three aspects: basic geometric knowledge, spatial sense and geometric intuition, and logic thinking. The thesis also discussed some questions about the teaching material's compiling, such as how to organize the content structure , how to achieve the instructive objective, how to connect with the students' experience and how to foster the interest to mathematics.
Journal of Subject Education