该研究通过在高原地域栽培大球盖菇的菌种培养基选择和生产模式探索 ,重点对两种栽培配方 ,三种播种时期的研究分析 ,总结出一套高原地域大球盖菇栽培的高产技术。研究结果表明 :高产的技术关键是选择合适的栽培季节 ;杂木屑和草木灰对大球盖菇生长有明显促进作用 ;原材料要新鲜 ,播种量要大 ,采用混播 ,光照要足 ;发菌期的温度和出菇期的湿度调控是关键环节。大球盖菇单产可达 8kg/m2 以上 ,生物学效率可达4 0 %多。
High yield cultivation of Stropharia rugosoannulata in tableland area according to selecting the fungus strain and exploring the production mode,analyzing the two cultivation ground substances and the three periods of growing.The research illustrated the key of selecting suitable growing season.The mixed with wood dust and plant ashes are beneficial for the growing of Stropharia rugosoannulata,the raw material must be fresh and need to control the temperature when the fruit body starts to grow.The output of Stroparia rugosoannulata exceeds in 8kg/m 2.Biology efficiency can reach 40%.
Edible Fungi of China